1 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Detroit was founded on June 4, 1882, by 51 men. Ten were members of the mother congregation, Immanuel, then located at 17thand Pine; forty-one were mostly recent German immigrants from West Prussia, now a part of Poland. The parish is the outgrowth of a branch school organized in 1877 by Immanuel on Wesson, then a part of Springwells Township. In this wooden house turned school, midweek Advent and Lenten services were conducted by Immanuel's Pastor, the Rev. Konrad L. Moll, until Zion was officially organized. Wilhelm Burhop was the first teacher, followed by Johann Von der Au in 1880.
2 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Detroit was founded on June 4, 1882, by 51 men. Ten were members of the mother congregation, Immanuel, then located at 17thand Pine; forty-one were mostly recent German immigrants from West Prussia, now a part of Poland. The parish is the outgrowth of a branch school organized in 1877 by Immanuel on Wesson, then a part of Springwells Township. In this wooden house turned school, midweek Advent and Lenten services were conducted by Immanuel's Pastor, the Rev. Konrad L. Moll, until Zion was officially organized. Wilhelm Burhop was the first teacher, followed by Johann Von der Au in 1880.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Detroit